Lock Control
Administrative Policies and Procedures 


To set forth the procedures for institutional control of locks and to provide departments with procedures for requesting door locks and changes in lock keying. To protect campus facilities and equipment.


The University of Alabama Police Department-Locksmith Area must key all locks on campus. Locks in each building must be keyed to their Building Master key System. Exceptions to this policy must be justified and approved by the Department Dean and by the UA Police Department.



  1. Prepare memorandum or phone in work to be done.
  2. List the following information on the memorandum or phone order.
    a. Is request for a new lock or lock change?
    b. Building for which new lock or lock change is requested.
    c. Room number for new lock or lock change is requested.
    d. Type of lock needed (door, desk, file cabinet, etc.)
    e. Reason for requesting new locks or changes.
    f. Number of new keys needed.
  3. List Account Number to be charged for services.


  1. Receive request from Departments. Review to determine if all, information has been
    provided. Create work order and forward to the locksmith.
  2. Locksmith will coordinate implementation with Department representative.
  3. Unresolved questions will be brought to the attention of the Police Captain in
    charge of the Key Shop.
  4. Do appropriate work as outlined on the work order.
  5. Forward the completed work order to the office associate for billing and filing.